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Meet Our Feng Shui Master

Hello, my name is Harry. I am a certified Human Resources leader, Red Ribbon Classical Feng Shui & Four Pillars Master. I’m blessed with the good fortune to work with many clients around the world to enhance and balance their mind, body, soul, and spirit using the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui. Feng shui is a way of living to increase productivity, communication, health, wealth, fertility, happiness and improved relationships for overall harmony and abundance.

I’ve been practicing classical feng shui for more than half my life and have been fascinated in how the arranging of objects in our space can powerfully add harmony and balance to our lives. Feng Shui has been essential in my way of life. It is something I believe in and live by. As a result, I look for clients who are looking for a change and have an open mind to trying something new for the greater good through the practice of feng shui applications.

Throughout my life journey, I’ve studied and practiced feng shui principles and have drawn my inspirations and wisdom found within Asian cultures and Buddhism. My personal experiences (both good and bad) have opened my eyes to welcome this practice to help stabilize my own life choices with meaningful results. Additionally, I believe that a person’s horoscope, personality, compatibility, and destiny, are closely associated to the Chinese zodiac sign and elements (fire, water, wood, earth, and metal) based on the time you were born and your date of birth. Because of the meaningful outcomes I’ve experienced in my early years, I decided to deepen my feng shui learning to become a certified Red Ribbon Feng Shui Master with a specialization in Flying Stars, Chinese Astrology, and the Four Pillars of Destiny.

My personal feng shui purpose is to partner with people who are inspired by the concept of “Chi/Energy” to enrich their complete self-energy and create the most harmonious and auspicious space which we call, HOME. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the results and growth in my client’s journey for greater happiness and prosperity. Based on feedback from my clients, my teaching and guidance has helped their lives grow and transform in the most energizing and powerful ways imaginable by creating harmonious spaces that naturally support their goals and intentions.

There is no time like the present. If you are reading this and feel inspired for a change, click on the link below to book your free 30 min exploration call with me to begin your ‘Feng Shui Journey’. In this session, we will have the opportunity to uncover your knowledge of feng shui and determine what type of feng shui services are best for your immediate intentions. Until we connect, I am sending you lots of blessings and positive chi and happiness.

