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2024 Year of the Dragon Zodiac Forecast

Yearly, our Feng Shui Master prepares an analysis based on the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year by writing a forecast and analysis for the zodiac year. For 2024, we will begin preparations to welcome the Year of the Wood Dragon.

The 2024 forecast will include:

  • Overall predications for the Year of the Wood Dragon
  • Introduction to Period 9 transformation
  • Important feng shui information and facts
  • 2024 Flying Star energies including remedies
  • Mingua information and details based on your date of birth
  • 5 Element overview
  • Tips on how to prepare for the Lunar New Year Celebration 
  • 2024 Worksheets to guide you throughout the year

The intention of the forecast is to help you prepare your home for the new Lunar Year by providing you remedies, and guidance based on each of the annual flying stars and where they land for each cardinal direction. You will also be able to use the guide to understand how to decorate your home with the appropriate feng shui color selections aligned with the bagua energy map and the 5 feng shui elements. And most importantly, you will have a high-level overview of your Chinese Zodiac sign for the year to properly plan out your goals and intentions to support and elevate your mind, body, soul, and spirit.
